Imprint and Disclaimer


Holimed Privatinstitut fuer holistische Medizinsysteme GmbH
Schenkendorfstr. 12
90455 Nuernberg

Represented by:

Managing directors Peter Barski, Wolfgang Bialas


Telephone +49 – (0) 9129 – 26855
Telefax +49 – (0) 9129 – 27 82 82

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Register entry:

Register of companies (Handlesregister) Nuernberg
Registering court:Nürnberg
Registration number: HRB13165

VAT Id number

according to Sec. 27 a German Value Added Tax Act: DE167292484
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 38642737

Dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):
Please find our email above in the imprint

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.


© Copyright 1997-2018 Holimed GmbH. All rights reserved.

Apart from own images were among others also pictures of the following artists used:
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RemiWave, Holimed-biocheck and bioswing are registered trademarks ® of Holimed
HCNI, Human Computer Network Interface, WaveMaker Pro are trademarks of Great Life Technologies, Inc.



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In order to comply with the legal requirements, we give the following notice:
The bioresonance and electroacupuncture according to Dr.Voll are scientifically controversial and are not recognized by teaching medicine.

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